Today, One Out Of Every Five Woman Suffers From Female Hair Loss

Normally, it is a general thing to find baldness in some men, but it is very rare that this problem is affected in females. It is an unbelievable fact that nowadays, one out of every five women is facing this villainous problem of hair thinning and hair breakage, ultimately leading to female hair loss. This is really, an embarrassing problem for them, by which they are affected mentally too. It is hard to believe, but women suffer from hair loss much like man though the causes can be different.

The main causes for female hair loss can be due to hormonal imbalance and menopausal stage. Hormonal Imbalance: This is one of the conditions that occur when a woman enters menopause, which paves the way to hormonal imbalance. Due to this problem of imbalance, there are great chances that lead to excessive hair loss.

A mere entrance or being in the stage of menopause is not just the event that leads to hormonal imbalance in females. They can also develop such a situation due to fatigue, stress or anxiety, which can result in the female hair loss. Such kind of loss does not lead to total balding of the scalp.

In many cases, a general hair thinning all across the scalp is seen. In order to cure this condition, you have to visit your doctor immediately to see if the reason behind your hair loss is a hormonal imbalance or not. If it is, then most probably, your doctor would prescribe a drug like estrogens to rectify the imbalance of hormone and thus stop your hair loss. In this way, your hair shall start to re-grow once your imbalance is checked.

Menopause: It is in the stage of menopause that the testosterone that a woman has in her body becomes unchecked. When this occurs, then it gets converted to DHT or dihydrotestosterone. The DHT, which is created this way in the body, attaches itself to the hair follicles. This in turn, prevents nutrients from reaching the hair follicles, thereby weakening the hair strands. Subsequently, the hair strand falls off, and the follicle gradually shrinks and dies. This kind of hair loss is called female pattern baldness.

There Are Reasons for Female Hair Loss

This condition of female hair loss is quite common in women nowadays. Over 40 million women living in the United States suffer from this menace today. Fortunately, the Federal Drug Administration or FDA has approved a few hair loss remedies for women to help them combat this situation. The other main reasons to be mentioned for female hair loss are anaemia, quick change in weight, and after-effects of surgery.

Women are generally said to be very emotional by nature, and so acute illness or a death in the family, or any sort of depression in the family also contribute to female hair loss. A few medical health conditions like abnormalities in the thyroid gland secretion, medications for blood pressure and gout can also lead to women’s hair loss. To know more about female hair loss - its cause, symptoms and treatments, please visit -


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